About Me

Which introduction would you find about me here? The professional one I write on my LinkedIn profile? Or the artsy fartsy one I associate myself with on my Instagram account?

I am many things. After producing creative content for 10 years in the media and broadcasting industry for the likes of Channel [V] International and Life Inspired (LITV), I decided that I had met enough cool celebrities and attended fancy events and it was time for a career change. I went to do a Masters in Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship from Goldsmiths University of London because I wanted to learn about business as I aspire to become an entrepreneur one day. When I came back to Malaysia, the Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre (MaGIC) had just been launched and I thought it would be a great opportunity to work there and learn about the startup ecosystem. I became a founding team member of the biggest accelerator program in South East Asia and soon became the Program Director for all accelerator programs in MaGIC. Collaborating with corporates had always been a daunting task for startups and soon I felt curious enough to see what it was like to be on the other side – which led me to Maxis to design and implement internal Innovation programs and ecosystem building for one of the biggest telco companies in the country. I soon felt there was a need to focus more on innovation strategy rather than just on execution in order to have a more robust plan, thus, I started learning again this time focusing on Strategy & Innovation from Warwick Business School with a group of super talented execs from around the world.

You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it’s better to listen to what it has to say.

Paulo Coelho

So I am a big believer of living your authentic self and following your heart. I especially love traveling and have been to 30 countries so far (and counting!) Growing up as an only child, I’ve always found things to busy myself with and am very comfortable with doing things on my own. I see myself more of an introvert because of this, though friends who know me would not believe that this is true. I am an INFP-A personality type like William Shakespeare and J.K. Rowling!

Better an ‘oops’ than a ‘what if’.

I would rather regret the things that I have done than wondering what if for the rest of my life. Since leaving the media industry I’ve been keeping myself busy with my own creative projects which I’ll usually share on my social media accounts. I’ve also been quite passionate about going on my spiritual journey, learning about sound healing, crystals and focusing on self-love. I also developed and lead a Female Founder’s pre-accelerator bootcamp, a themed initiative to empower women and to address the underrepresentation and gender gap of female entrepreneurs / female leadership. Additionally, I was also a Global Ambassador for Future Females Kuala Lumpur with the same aim of connecting and inspiring women.

I always feel like there’s just so many exciting things to do and explore! Unlimited abundance is all around and I am so grateful for all the opportunities that I have.

Please do follow me on my social media accounts if you’d like to connect further. Thanks for reading 🙂